The Life and Death of Tommy Chaos and Stacey Danger

tommy chaos

Original title: The Life and Death of Tommy Chaos and Stacey Danger
Nationality: EE.UU., 2013
Production: Jean Claude Billmaier
Director: Michael Lukk Litwak
Script: Michael Lukk Litwak
Cinematography: Oliver Anderson
Music: Dan Romer
Montaje/Editing: Michael Lukk Litwak
Cast: Doc King, Valerie Brody
Runtime: 10 min

The Life and Death of Tommy Chaos and Stacey Danger is a short Action/Adventure film about a young couple on the run. Dinosaurs have invaded Earth but neither Tommy nor Stacey care anymore, now that they’ve met each other. They escape the war, but whether they dive to the bottom of the ocean or fly to Outer Space, conflict always seems to find a way into their lives.